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Comment j'ai converti Profilo en Docusaurus en moins de 2 heures

· 7 minutes de lecture

“Joel and I were discussing having a website and how it would have been great to launch with it. Je me suis donc mis au défi d'ajouter la prise en charge de Docusaurus. Il a fallu un peu plus d'une heure et demie. Je vais vous envoyer une PR avec l'ajout afin que vous puissiez jeter un coup d'oeil et voir si vous l'aimez. Your workflow for adding docs wouldn't be much different from editing those Markdown files.”

— Note sent to the Profilo team

This is the story of the rather short journey it took to create the Profilo website using Docusaurus.

Profilo, an Android library for collecting performance traces from production, was announced earlier this year. The project was published on GitHub with a less than a handful or Markdown files to describe its functionality and no website to showcase any branding and highlight the logo. La tâche à accomplir était de transformer ces documents et ce logo existants en un site web.